Saturday 21 September 2024

All Saints Shorthampton


Last church on this trip was All Saints Shorhampton, one which I was looking forward to seeing as it had Wall Paintings 

"The present chancel arch is small and was built in the 13th or 14th century. Most of the current windows are Perpendicular Gothic. All Saints' has box pews that were added in the 18th century and a south porch that was built in the 19th century. All Saints' contains several 15th century wall paintings including a rare one of the "Miracle of the Clay Birds" from the Infancy Gospel of Thomas and another of Saint Zita. All Saints' is a Grade II* listed building. All Saints' is part of the Benefice of Charlbury with Shorthampton. Most church services are now held at the parish church of St Mary the Virgin, Charlbury."

The road past the church leads to a farm

 From the road the south east end

 Wider view of the south east

 The south side of the church 

North side from the west end

North again from the east

Small window in the chancel south side
Older headstones near the east end of the church

Looking north from near the church

Looking north west across the churchyard

Westerly view

Wide view of the church from over the wall

Inside the porch and the doorway

The door from inside

The nave from the back showing the wall paintings you can see

Going down to near where you walk in the church

The chancel arch which is offset is one of the smallest I have seen

The chancel opens up when you go through the arch

The altar table and east window

The altar table looks just that with a screen placed at the back

The east window has some orange stained glass framing it, the view out the window is enough. There is no other stained glass in the church

Looking back through the arch

One side is a huge squint more like a door that has been cut in to view the service

In the chancel is a small organ

Outside in the nave you will find the pulpit which is up high

After climbing the steps to it you look down in the box pews

I like seeing box pews and these are upholstered in velvet which is very unusual from what I have seen

The north wall with lancet window and wall paintings

A closer view of the lancet shows the inside was decorated once

One of the 15th century paintings showing a figure 

The paint is clear but I'm at a loss as to what it shows

Closer view of the figure 

This one is very faded

This one at the south west wall shows a painted prayer

I wondered if this was a dragons wing

Collage showing the paintings

One the squint wall is this painting of I think is the Madonna and Child

You can see figures in this one as well

Even the chancel arch was painted at one time

The memorials in the church, the roll of honour I felt was simple and to the point

The holy Bible left open

The roof space

The font is most likely Norman and one has to wonder how mans souls have been christened in it.
Till Next time may I wish you all a peaceful week

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