Sunday 31 December 2023

2023 Review


Happy New year to you all. Things never turn out how you expect them to go, I never thought after getting to March I would get Covid and end up in ICU at the Royal Berkshire Hospital for 9 days then taking 8 weeks to recuperate. Even with that little set back I managed to visit over 45 churches this year completing a personal challenge to visit all the churches on a website called Churches of the Builth Wells Area, (mind you it took a few years). Now I intend to visit the church in  book called Oxordshire's Best Churches, so far I have been to over 70 (there are a little over 100)  I know there are more than 500 in Oxfordshire of which I reckon I have nearly been to half of them. I hope to bring you more interesting churches next year.


After publishing the two reviews of 2022
St Giles Blechingdon was the first church I published in 2023, It was shown in two parts as I  visited the church twice, the first time it was shut so I arraigned for it to be open the second time


St Mary the Virgin Kirklington was another of the churches I had visited towards the end of 2022 and one I managed after the first failed visit to Bletchingdon 

St Leonard Eynsham was a church I used to see often as I used to work not far away for many years, it was one I thought would be closed but I was pleased to find it open and witha very welcoming group of villagers there making the most of the warms space

The first church I visited in January was in the 2nd and only came about because my wife had some business to attend nearby, after driving down there for 2 hours I managed to  take  few moments to get some photos of St Peter and St Paul Ringwood
St Nicholas Fyfield was a church I visited many years ago and did publish a blog on it but it was not one I was happy with as though I did go inside I took no photos. This time I did and the visit was well worth it

March started with St Mary Wootton or Wootton by Woodstock as it is also known. 

I thought it was time I visited some Berkshire churches I has my eye on, one which I spotted driving past while going to Swindon due to a detour was Woodland St Mary this was a redundant church looked after by the Church Conservation trust. It was well worth visiting dues to the magnificent display of snowdrops in the churchyard

Wickham was along the road from the last church so I went along to visit St Swithin. There was no churchyard to look around but the inside made up for this. It's not often you  have Elephants looking down on you and not angles.

The following week I visited St  Michael Begbroke which was a really nice church with a roofed bell tower and a nun's cemetery 


This is where I nearly came unstuck and I managed to contract Covid and that ended me up at the ICU unit in the Royal Berkshire Hospital for 9 days so apart from not being able to post I could not go out visiting churches for a few weeks.

I did manage to write a blog on St John's Mongewell after visiting with my son back in March. I have been here a few times and it's another church looked after by the Conservation Trust

 I had already visited St Mary Purley on Thames in March so was able to do another post. This was a second visit for me and I was very pleased to go inside, the pulpit mad it well worthwhile

Rose Hill Cemetery came next, this was an update with some new photos I added due to a grave I found out about and wanted to see.

I republished St Thomas Goring updating it a little as I still was not able to get out at the time.


By the time May came around I managed to get out to visit some churches again accompanied by my son in case I needed support. I visited St Bartholomew Holton which I had already been to many years ago but found locked. This time borrowed the key from the local vicar and after looking around returned  the key 


St Mary Waterperry was along the road from the last church so we went to visit for the next blog. In the grounds of Waterperry house it made a very interesting church to look around

I went along to St Mary Ewelme fro my next visit a church that I have been to before but felt I really needed to cover the church better and this time. I covered the church in two parts with the second part showing the inside the following week


This started off with a visit to Crowell and The Nativity of the Virgin Mary which was a very nice little church near Chinnor

St Andrews Chinnor came next this was a beautiful church with a huge churchyard 

I followed up with St Mary Sydenham which I ended up visiting twice 

As I had been visiting Wales I felt  it was time I got started on finishing the churches on the website called Churches of the Builth Wells Area. St Davids Llanddewi Fach. took me a while to find on the map so when I did I wasted no time in visiting.

That concludes the first part of my review of the churches I visited for the Church Explorer Part two will conclude them next week


Anonymous said...

As always, you have visited some fascinating churches. Sorry to learn that you were so poorly, Billy Blue Eyes. Wishing you Good Health and Happiness for the New Year. Elaine (Parsonage Cottage) Crossing my fingers that Blogger will allow me to comment this time.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

You can comment on here but come up as anonymous which is a problem a lot of users have, for some reason blogger is haveing problems with the likes of Firefox and Chrome

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I am truly enjoying the recaps of your church travels, Billy, as I only started following your blog a few months ago. Looking forward to your next installments, for sure.
Sorry to hear you had the Covid, but such a blessing that you came out of it!
Happy New Year!

Ragged Robin said...

So sorry you caught covid and ended up in hospital and I do hope you are fully recovered now.
You hve still managed to visit some wonderful churches this year and thank you for your interesting posts on them.
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.

John's Island said...

Happy New Year Bill !!! Your blog, filled with photos of your visits to churches, is simply one-of-a-kind and amazing. I’m looking forward to your posts in 2024. Very best wishes to you and yours from Seattle! John

Jim said...


NCSue said...

Thank you so much for allowing me to "see" churches I'm unlikely to visit. Your photos always bring them to life.
Wishing you all the best in 2024!
Thanks for linking up at

Linda said...

Is a very impressive review. I had no idea that you were so ill. I don’t recall you mentioning it before. I’m glad you recovered.

EricaSta said...

The holidays are finally over. Thank you for this revies to 2023.

Now we are curious to see what the turn of the year will bring? Hopefully more peace, more insight into sustainability for the whole of nature. It is urgently needed!

Thank you so much for this wonderful post on

Greetings from Heidrun, I wish you and your family a healthy, happy new year 2024

Linda P said...

Thank you for the review of churches you visited in 2023. All the best to you and yours this year. May you have better health especially as you go out and about.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

So sorry to hear you were so ill with Covid. That must have been very scary! You did well to visit so many churches in the year and I'm impressed at how many Oxfordshire churches you have already visited. Happy new year!

Lillian "sognafaret" said...

Happy new year! I love review at the end of the year. So much amazing things.

RachelSwirl said...

Happy new year - Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.