Saturday 27 May 2023

St Mary The Virgin Ewelme pt2


 This week we continue or visit to St Mary the Virgin Ewelme.  In my original blog I did not thing I did the place justice, this time I hope I have shown it is a better light. I also found out something which I never knew about when I first visited the church. 

This is a long blog so coffee& cake advised 

The south side of the church

Wide view from the back of the church

Another wide shot different camera

Going down to the rood screen

wide view of the chancel with choir stalls

getting closer to the altar

The altar with scripture on the tablets behind

Another view different camera

Altar and east window

The magnificent east window

Looking back to the rood screen and nave beyond

One thing you cannot miss is this font with stunning cover

The font cover was made in 1474 the figure at the top is of St Michael

The pulpit is  more modern

This is  a panonramic  view from the pulpit

The Roll of Honour for Ewelme

Some of the various memorials you can see around the church

This one really took my eye dated 1647

The monument is to Henry Howard

Tomb Dated 1697

One with a brass

This one has a knight and his lady

There are a few with monks on this is one of the clearer ones

Along with this one

Three memorials together

Grenvill Hampton

Below another memorial to members of the family

The south aisle

North aisle with the organ behind the screen

Couple of heads which are on pillars

The heads from part of the purling's while the angles are on the ends of the rood screen above them you can see the openings that would have gone out on a rood loft

In the chancel the tomb of Alice of Suffolk

The collage shows some of the interesting parts

Back round the south aisle you can see the entrance to the chapel

The Chapel of St John

This is the Tomb of Thomas Chaucer and Maud Burghersh

decorated with coats of arms showing lineage

On the top you can see a brass of them

The east window of the chapel has lots of medieval glass in it

Part of the east window in more detail

The altar is beautiful

Alice's tomb in St Johns Chapel

She lays with her hands together in prayer

She looks asleep

Underneath is a memento mori of her

It's not easy getting a view inside

Alice looks up at this depiction it is what I never knew about maybe I should have read the notes on Thomas Chaucers tomb

A closer view of the the depiction 

This what is Alice looks at, I may well go back and see if I can get a better photo of what is there

The tomb from the chancel side

Close up of Alice

Never really took much notice of the ceiling in St Johns Chapel

I will leave you with this floral display by the rood screen
Till next time I wish you all a pleasant weekend 


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What a grand church, especially the St John's Chapel. Alice's tomb appears to be in remarkable condition for its age, even if the puritans don't damage them, some careless person usually manages to knock off a nose or two.

William Kendall said...

Quite a beautiful church inside.

Sandi said...

Takes my breath away!

Linda P said...

I remember sitting in the churchyard when we visited Ewelme. Your photos are wonderful especially Alice Chaucer's tomb. I did not know that about the mural. I hope you can go back sometime. I wish you and yours a good week.

Linda said...

So much artistry! Very impressive.

Gillena Cox said...

Amazing photos. Thanks for sharing.
Have a good week.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I've come across quite a few damaged ones

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Indeed it is

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well I only found out by talking to a couple of ladies who were visiting the church who mentioned it, I just went back and managed to get a couple of photos

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It is very impressive when you visit the church

Billy Blue Eyes said...

My pleasure

Ragged Robin said...

A very impressive church - superb brasses and tombs. Interesting to see the Memento Mori on Alice's tomb. The font cover is stunning.

Jeanne said...

Interesting church - there is so much history and craftsmanship in old churches! Stained glass windows are an interest of mine, I love that you have a large image that I can zoom in on! Beautiful!

Heidrun said...

Wow, I learnt so much. It's very interesting.

Thank you for sharing with

Greetings by Heidrun

Sarah MumofThree World said...

The altar and the font cover are beautiful. I can't believe how old the font cover is! It was very sad to read about the man who was missing in 1940.

RachelSwirl said...

Strange, I feel like I have been in this church somehow. Great snaps - Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.