Saturday, 1 October 2022

St Mary Magdalane South Marston

This was the last church I visited on my tour near Swindon, and by this time I was really feeling it and wanting to get back home. After finishing I returned to Swindon to collect my Son from Collage.

 The strange thing is I cannot find any history on this church at all but after some searching I found some on St Mary Magdalene's church website so rather than copying it all I would ask you to click on the link if you would like to know more. The church does date back to Norman times and was rebuilt in Victorian times

Approach to the church

Another view along the path to the lychgate

Inside the churchyard looking at the south side

West end

Statue of the Lamb of God and the church clock which dates to 1885

North side view

The churchyard is quite large

with a single Commonwealth War Grave

Looking over the west side of the churchyard

A single chest tomb by the church

This is the churchyard extension with more recent burials

Another view of it looking north

Going along the path by the south side of the church and a couple of chest tombs

South side looking towards the lych gate

The porch and inside door to the church

Down the nave

another view wider angle

going in the chancel

The altar and altar back panel

looking back to the west end

The east window

Some of the other stained glass in the church which unlike a few other churches this one has quite a bit

Single stained glass windows

and the double windows.

The pulpit

which gives a wonderful view of the nave

The font which dates back to the 13th century

Memorials in the church

This one is beside the pulpit

Candelabra and I'm not sure what the niche top was for 

Old tomb in the floor dated 1719

another family plaque going back to the late 1700's

This dated the church a bit more seeing this squint

Church banner behind a chair

St Mary Magdalene kneeling in prayer.

With that I will take my leave, till next time have a wonderful weekend

I may be late in replying as I might be in Wales again


Amy said...

Bet that doorway is old too, the Kempsters must've been important people to get their names inside the church.

Bovey Belle said...

A very handsome church. What lovely stained glass and reredos. I bet you appreciated the coolness inside after the heat outside!

Linda said...

Wonderful tour. It certainly looks Norman.

Ragged Robin said...

Wonderful church and the tour is amazing. So much to see and I particularly like the font and its cover.

Penelope Notes said...

Good to see so many flowers at the headstones. The stained glass is always so beautiful. The church looks like an ancient castle with a clock that to my eyes is rather modern in style even though it is centuries old.

William Kendall said...

What a lovely church.

Soma @ said...

Wonderful tour of the church. I really liked the pathway to the lychgate photo.


Sharon Wagner said...

I'm an outdoor church explorer. But I do love good architecture too.

NCSue said...

Your photos of churches never fail to amaze me - chock full of history, beauty, and intricate detail.
Thank you for sharing at

Angie said...

Billy - beautiful stained glass. That is an interesting wood topper on the font - as my memory serves, that is a bit out of the ordinary? Love the memorial with the cherub carving. Thanks for joining in Mosaic Monday - I hope you will continue with our new host, Heidrun!!!

Sarah MumofThree World said...

The churchyard looks very big and I'm sure there must be plenty of interesting graves to explore. That angel by the memorial looks really scary!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

No more like had lots of money

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I did it was refreshing to get out of the sun

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It did look old in parts

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes the cover was unusual

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The clock is the most modern part

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was indeed William

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was quite long though no where to park nearby

Billy Blue Eyes said...

A church explorer is a church explorer wither it is inside or out

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I try to give sense of history to them

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Your memory is right it is very unusual

Billy Blue Eyes said...

It was a big churchyard to go around

RachelSwirl said...

Such colourful snapshots - Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.