Saturday 29 October 2022

St Anno's Church Llananno


 Funny how you come across a church, I did not have this one on my radar until I read a blog by a lady called Hisdoryan. and saw the church mentioned, what took my eye was the Rood Screen, it was amazing and I had to see it for myself and as luck would have it the church was not after from another I wanted to visit but that was for another day. There is some history about St Anno's which is on it's own Wikipeda page so I will leave you to read than rather than copy it on here. As the reason for my visit was the Rood Screen you might find I have shown a lot of it, you will see why. The church is now looked after by the Friends of Friendless Churches. I must admit this is the first church I visited in Wales for a this year, Last weeks church I popped into after this one.

As it is Halloween I have added a few touches to some of the photos 

St Anno's church from the south, not much different to look at from churches you see around

To get to the church you need to walk along a path through a field and go through the entrance on the left 

A hedge passes close to the west end

The porch with the bells above

This is the north side or what you can see, I did not get a photo of the east end

Back around the south side


From over the churchyard

The churchyard had quite a few older headstones in it

a large fenced family plot

The odd cross

and some really nice carvings on some of the headstones

Mostly old headstones

First view in the church which as you can see is quite simple apart from the huge rood screen, there is no rood cross on the top

Here we look down the nave from the back, the photo was taken using the wide angle on my DSLM camera


Going through to the chancel

altar and east window

Looking back from the screen

The pulpit

View with iphone

 and one with wide angle on my DSLM camera

 The rood screen is what I came to see,  Ragged Robin I noticed in her blog had a book on them I wonder if this one is mentioned. Not often you see an original 15century rood screen when Henry V was on the throne and we had the Battle of Agincourt and Owain Glyndŵr the last prince of Wales was alive

 The figures carved on the screen are stunning

You can also see different carvings on the over hang

some really intricate carvings on it as well

But the cared figures are just something else

 Considering they are 700 years of they have survived well especially when you consider most rood screens were demolished in the reformation 

The chancel side if more plain

 But you can still see some intricate carvings on it

The one stained glass panel is in the east window

You can also see a couple of memorial in the chancel near the altar

A very nice funerary hatchment in the nave near the rood screen

plus a few more memorials

I think this is an harmonium they use as there is no organ

at the back a curtained are is the vestry

with some really beautiful carvings on it

I suspect it was the box pew for the churchwarden mentioned on it

The font looks out of place being it looks newer that the rest of the church

You will find this in the porch

I will leave you with this photo of a cross I posted earlier in the post, I noticed it has some intricate carvings on it. The cross is made of wood from what I could see and the top is rotting away which is a shame because this one is worth preserving
Till next time have a peaceful weekend

Happy Halloween


Bovey Belle said...

This was the first church we visited after moving to Powys. That rood screen is really special and your photos do it more justice than mine. Like the spooky touch to some of the photos too.

Well done noticing that beautifully carved wooden (oak I imagine) cross in the churchyard.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Must admit to not knowing about it till I read about Hisdoryan's website and saw the post about it or I would have been here ages ago. She is not very good with updating the website I notice. The cross was a bit of a find I hope it survives

Kim Carberry said...

How wonderful to find a new church. It really is beautiful. The carvings are so interesting. x

Linda said...

Incredible carvings! I’m glad someone is taking care of this church.

William Kendall said...

What a marvelous church this is.

Ragged Robin said...

Oh gosh! WHAT a rood screen. It is amazing and such wonderful carvings. I will check in the Rood Screen book and let you know if it is mentioned.

I like the spooky effects in the photos too and some of the carvings on headstones are interesting. I must check how far the church is from we are in Herefordshire.

Thanks so much for all the photos.

Ragged Robin said...

ps Just checked the Shire Rood Screen book and yes it is mentioned as one of best rood screens in Wales with a photo of the screen. It is also listed as one of the "places to visit". Checked its about an hour and quarter from Hatfield. So doable!

Peabea Scribbles said...

Oh my, you taught me something new. Did not know that is what that is called - rood screen. What talent went into the structure of that. Absolutely beautiful. Do they still attend this Church. Would be so lovely to be sitting there. Thanks so much for sharing.

Life Images by Jill, West Australia said...

I truly do love old churches. Especially the really simply built ones. And wandering through olf graveyards reading the headstones. Thankyou for sharing. I am visiting you from Mosaic Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They were very interesting

Billy Blue Eyes said...

They do from what I could see

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I agree it was incredible

Billy Blue Eyes said...

If you live where I think then go to the A44 and follow till Cross gates then turn right

Kym said...

So beautiful! Those carvings are absolutely stunning.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Wow, that rood screen (I've learned a new word there!) is incredible. It has so much detail and it's remarkable that it has survived so long.

RachelSwirl said...

I love the sepia-style spooky shots - thanks for completing my Halloween challenge! Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

Dave said...

Absolutely fantastic. I have never seen your blog before but am incredibly fascinated to keep reading. What a great subject matter. I guess it doesnt matter where you visit, you will find a new church to visit. Lovely post, I will be mooching around your blog to be inspired even more. Keep well, Regards Dave