Saturday 1 June 2024

St Gwendoline Talgarth


I have seen the church tower many times as we drive though the town on our way to Builth Wells and I have been wanting to visit for a while so as I drove past on my way to last weeks church it only seemed prudent to visit on my way back

 Not much history to be found on Wikipedia about the church other than the church dates back to the 14th century

The church as you come in the gate

Looking across an older part of the churchyard towards the tower

View up the tower

The north side of the church with more recent graves in the foreground

East end of the church

 South east view of the church

 Wide angle view of the north side
Churchyard as you walk in the gate

Unusual wrought iron cross

Commonwealth war grave of Saper J.R. Power

Couple of table tombs among the headstones

 Collage of headstones
General view of the churchyard on the south of the church

Path leading though to the more recent part of the churchyard

The churchyard is is full of headstone on he south side of the church

Looking east over  the churchyard

Turning left towards the church

South east side of the church

Porch leading to the church

Inside you will find the Roll of Honour

also the Welsh flag proudly displayed

View as you walk in the church

View of the nave

The chancel and choir stalls

The altar with east window

The altar with oak panel behind

The Stained glass east window

Organ with painted organ pipes

The arch leads off to the vestry

View through the arches to the south aisle

The south aisle

This I presume is the lady chapel

Looking back to the west end of the south aisle

Though I did not take a photo of the pulpit I did take this wide view of both south and main aisle

Some of the memorials in the church

Memorial to John Bowen

Triple stained glass windows

South aisle east window

Memorial to Stanley G Powell

The lectern holds the roll of honour book

I've not really seen many models made using used matchsticks but some one made one of St Mary's church

I will leave you with a view of the font.
Till next time I will wish you all a peaceful week


Ragged Robin said...

I do like the model made of matchsticks! An interesting church - thanks for all the photos :)

Jim said...

Beautiful church.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The model with matchsticks is certainly unique, Billy. I was impressed, too, by the decorated organ pipes. Wish I could hear how it sounds! Blessings!

Bovey Belle said...

You have certainly given it a good write-up - lots of super photos. I have a feeling that when Tam and I went there it was shut! Thanks for visiting on our behalf. No churches from me these days as I never get a chance for respite afternoons out and the churches I want to visit are a fair distance away now.

Gillena Cox said...

Such interesting shots.

My Monday mosaic is HERE


NCSue said...

Many unusual features to this church - very interesting!
Thanks for sharing at

EricaSta said...

Billy. this is a place for remembering indeed.

Another round of MosaicMonday in June... and I'm looking forward to your contribution again. This week there are many pictures that tell of your surroundings, of nature, of your everyday life. Pictures that also tell a bit of history.

Thank you for your participation. Have fun, best wishes from Heidrun

Sarah MumofThree World said...

It looks like an interesting church. The little matchstick model was certainly unusual!

RachelSwirl said...

Such a lovely building - Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.