Saturday, 6 August 2016

Two Anglesey Churches

St Mary Llanfair yn y Cwmwd 

I came across this church while on Holiday in Anglesey many years ago. I went out with my camera to photograph the area and walked past a small lane and after looking up the lane spotted this church. After walking around the churchyard which was well kept, I found the church was locked. The church dates back to Medieval times and I might add looks very untouched. You can read more here on Wickipedia

The west end of the church  with a memorial seat by the wall. The graves all looked of recent years  along the North side

This headstone was of interest to me and one of the more interesting in the churchyard

 It belongs to Maurice Wilks The Name might not mean much but you will know what he invented. The Landrover now I doubt many of you have not come across one of those. Maurice lived here on Anglesey

 I felt it was well worth the stop off to visit such an eminent persons grave

St Nidan's Church Llanidan

We used to pass this church on the way to Bangor shopping so one day I stopped off and got a few photos of the church, unfortunately it was locked so I could not go insideThe church is quite new being built in 1843 to replace the old church one nearby. Had I known it had partly been restored I would have made an effort to visit, if you look at the link you can see why.

One of the entrances to the churchyard is over this stile

another is though this more conventional gate leading to the new churchyard

This is the main gate leading to the Church at the West end the tower resembles a water tower

The South side of the church

 The belltower with door, the castleation  at the top looks like an addition

Over to the right looking at the churchyard and some of the older headstones

The north side of the church and churchyard

The East end of the church from across the churchyard which was another kept well cut

Looking along the graves of the new part of the churchyard and a freshly dug grave

Another view looking up the churchyard 

I'll leave you with this view of the side gate leading to the church. These were some of the first churches I visited and if I ever go back to Anglesey I'll look out for some more.
Have a great Weekend


Elaine said...

One of the reasons I love exploring these wonderful old buildings is because they have so many tales to tell and so do the graveyards. I enjoyed ten happy years driving my old Land Rover, best car I have ever owned, I still miss it. thank you Maurice Wilks! I love the simple exterior of St Mary's Church.
St Nidan's church and the homing bone is a fascinating story, never mind the whys and wherefores of all the alterations and rebuilding, etc.
Thanks for another really interesting read.

♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Hello Bill!
Another great relationship and a very beautiful picture.
Have a nice Sunday.

Tom said...

Bill, each of them are lovely in their country settings.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

gorgeous stone work, i enjoy the front gate. happy weekend! ( ;

ellen b. said...

I probably sound like a broken record but your posts always make me yearn to return to Great Britain with my camera and walking shoes...

Linda said...

What Beth said... love the fine masonry!

Bruce Clark said...

Very nice collection of photos

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love stone anything and this is beautiful, the church and the gate and the tower and the view across the cemetery.

Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Fascinating, as ever, Bill. St Nidan's is a really interesting shape - a bit of a mess, really, but attractive nonetheless. I must admit I had not heard of Maurice Wilks - though I did used to visit Hayling, where I see he was born.