Saturday 25 November 2023

Brecon Cathedral Pt2


This week the Church Explorer brings you more of the inside of Brecon Cathedral . Last week I showed photos that I took in the nave, this week you will see the north and south aisles along with the chapels in the transepts

 Brecon Cathedral north side from the path

The north aisle from near the entrance

Chapel in the north aisle

Altar in the north asile

South aisle

Choir stalls and altar

Altar with east window with rordo

The east window is quite stunning

Wilfred Seymour de Winston memorial 

From the south transept to the north through the arches

Incense burner

The north transept which is full of memorials

The stained glass window is a memorial as well

Most of the memorials around the walls are to military personnel

Walk through an arch in the east wall and it takes you to this chapel which to me is a shrine to the

 South Welsh Borderers

The altar and east window

The stained glass is outstanding

Memorial wall

You can read about the wreath below

The colour staff is above the plaque

In the corner is a roll of Honour to the me of the South Wales Borderers

The Roll of Honour to the men from the Zulu Campaign

The pews in the chapel have memorials to men from the Borderers

Some of the memorials you can see in the chapel

Stained glass windows in the chapel

Colours shown on the west wall

More colours hang proudly in the chapel

Two of the colours are enclosed in perspex for protection, below the staff from Battle of Isandlwana

The protected colours

Tomb effigy in the south aisle

More of the stunning stained glass in the cathedral

The chest is probably 13th century and made from a solid piece of wood

You can see floor tombs and memorials around the Cathedral

This is part of the original rood screen that would have been in the old church

If you take time to look at it you can see the original gold and red paint on the boss

Traces of paint on this one as well

The centre right item is a cresset stone

Memorials to Edward William Williamson and William Francis Parry de Winton

More memorials around the walls of the cathedral

I will leave you with this view of the cross over and chancel with a couple looking at the chancel
I hope I have given you some idea as to what you can see in the beautiful cathedral. I have no doubt  there is much I missed and I would like to return there again if I get a chance
Till Next time I wish you all a wonderful weekend 


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Well, you saw a lot of details that I didn't see when I was there. Excellent tour.

Bovey Belle said...

Ah, I echo John above, you got all sorts I missed especially all the Military side I seem to have missed observing! I must go back next time I go shopping in Brecon. Great photos.

Linda said...

The arches and windows are spectacular!

Aritha V. said...

I find stained glass windows so beautiful. Thank you for sharing the pictures of this old church. Interesting and wonderful to see.

NCSue said...

Very impressive!
Thank you for sharing at

Peabea Scribbles said...

Nice photography of this Church. Thanks for sharing.

Slabs said...

Oh my word, this is awesome, thanks for sharing and giving me an opportunity to see this through your lens.
I visited you via Pictorial Tuesday Link Up 11 28 2023
I linked up this week with = 19. Come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

EricaSta said...

Yes, I enjoyed again the visit here in this church ... and more, your descriptions.

Happy MosaicMonday

Thank you so much being part at

Have a fine week. Greetings by Heidrun

RachelSwirl said...

I love the poppy wreaths, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.