Saturday 2 September 2023

St James Llanwrtyd Wells


 The only reason for this church which I can find no history on is that it was built to service the Spa Village that sprung up in the area in Victorian times it replaced the more interesting church further outside the village. The church itself is reminiscent of many Victorian built churches some of which I find rather uninspiring, but as they say never judge a book by it's cover. The church was one of the last churches I need to visit in from the late Phill Jones website Churches of the Builth Wells Area

The church from the road I parked along

The west end, the path takes you to a small church office

Going around to the east end

View of the east end from across the road

The north side looking west. There is no churchyard to look around as the cemetery is opposite the old church outside town

As you come in the door

From the back

Chancel arch

Rood screen


Altar & east window

East window

The Altar

Altar cross


 View back from the rood screen

Pulpit which I am glad to see is wood

Looking down to the rows of chairs which replaced the pews

Apart of the east window there are a couple more windows with some nice stained glass in them 

This one has a Madonna and Child with a couple of angels on the sill 

Collage showing the angels and Madonna 

There are more angels on  the screen around the altar, these are on one side

Banners in the church, the top one shows the history surrounding the village 

Font with cover

I can only think this is a Victorian jug that is used for christenings, I've not see one like this before
Rood cross

I could not see a roll of Honour in the church only this memorial on the right. I've seen a few baptismal rolls this one has run out of space. The picture is of St David whicd seems out of place in a church called St James

I will leave you with the teddy and his friend who were looking after the church.
Till next time I wish you all a peaceful weekend


John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The sort of building which looks as though it serves its purpose admirably, without there being anything to get folks like you and me jumping up and down in excitement.

Ragged Robin said...

For me the exterior is more interesting than the interior but those banners are really rather lovely especially the one with the history of the village and who can fail to love a teddy bear :)

Linda P said...

I like the banners especially the one which shows the different scenes around the church. It gives a good sense of history, place and scenery just right for walking there. I hope you have a good Sunday and peaceful week.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think you sum it very nicley about how the church looks

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I feel a lot of Victorian churches are like that

Billy Blue Eyes said...

That was an imoressive banner and I like the was it shows the histroy of the village

Ragged Robin said...

I agree with you :)

Lydia C. Lee said...

Aww, teddy! #WWOT

Linda said...

Such plain walls! But they give it a light airy feel, quite pleasant!

NCSue said...

The ceiling is reminiscent of the hull of an old wooden ship. Very cool.
Thanks for sharing at

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Amazing work.
Love the ceiling and the stain glass windows are so beautiful.

Peabea Scribbles said...

I like the stonework used on this Church and the awesome ceilings. Always amazed at the workmanship in the Churches you share.

Sarah MumofThree World said...

The stone brickwork on the outside of the church is interesting, as is the wooden ceiling inside, but definitely not one of your most interesting churches!

RachelSwirl said...

The brickwork is stunning in the sunshine - Thanks for sharing and for taking part in #MySundaySnapshot.