Saturday 13 November 2021

St Lawrence Appleton Return


Last week I visited Cumnor church which I had been wanting to visit for a while, the next church on the list was St Lawrence Appleton which I had visited previous in lock-down and found it locked, as it was only few miles away I did not feel I would be wasting my time if it was still lock. I was very pleased to find the church open so get a coffee and join me in looking around.

There are a mixture of photos taken with both my iPhone and Canon R6 mirror-less camera

I took this photo of St Lawrence church the last time I visited, the entrance was around the opposite side

After walking in you come in the north aisle

 First thing that struck me was the church had been reordered

 Walking towards the chancel

 In the chancel with the altar behind the altar rails

These were taken with my Camera and give a clearer idea how the north aisle looks

The nave looking down the main aisle

Chance larch looking to the chancel
and looking over to the north aisle

 View of the altar and est window

Looking back west along the nave
In the nave looking west
The pulpit is quite low in comparison to others I have seen

 I liked the lectern with the carved figure on the front

Looking from the pulpit at the nave and north aisle
This tomb was on the south side of the altar
A figure in repose lays across the top

 Another view of the figure laying there
The inscription is all in latin
The skull looking down looks comical

This is a transcription of what is written on the tomb

View of the tomb from the north aisle

The looking around to the altar end of the north aisle

The west to the back

Quite a few memorials in the north aisle

which tells you some of the people who worshipped here were wealthy back then

Williams Memorial

Couple more memorials different designs

A more recent one with a bequest on it

Bequest from William Sellwood

and a memorial to the family

The Red Ensign from the British Navy beside the Roll of honour

The Village Roll of Honour for WWI

Quite a few of these along the floor near the altar

Elizabeth Wilson

Thomas Winchester

This tomb is well worn but still has the coat of arms at the top

Stained glass with is very modern

The Organ over on the north wall of the church

This is the west wall which is partitioned off

The arch ends in corbelled heads

and this one looks very recent

Some very nice kneelers in the church

the look quite beautiful

Each one with a different design

The remembrance poppy

The font with harvest decoration

Flower display

Nice harvest display on the window sill

I will leave you this week with this view of the church with a cross in the foreground
Till next time do have a peaceful weekend and remember it is Remembrance day on Sunday ,Try and spend a few moments giving thanks even if it is not at 11 o'clock.
  Least We Forget


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