Saturday 11 September 2021

Return to St John the Baptist Kingston Bagpuse


This week the church explorer returns to  St John the Baptist Kingston Bagpuse a place I visited back 2015, the church was locked at the time so I thought I would make some time to return for photos. As I was going to a nearby fencing company I looked up who to contact at St Johns and found one of the church wardens whom I contacted. He was happy to pen up on the day I was visiting and et me inside to get the photos I wanted.Not much to find on the church in Wikipedia but this is what is there :-
"The Church of England parish church of Saint John the Baptist was designed by John Fidel of Faringdon and built in 1799–1800. The building was remodelled in 1882 to the designs of Edwin Dolby"


I took a few photos around the church before meeting the church warden which show the place has not changed. Above looking over from the south east side of the churchyard

Going around to the south west and looking at the from and main entrance which is most likely not used as much now

A better view showing an extension over to the left which I presume are church function rooms, the area between is a covered walkway between that and the church and where you enter 

This looks at the church from the north west and you can see the entrance door to the left

After walking in the church at the back you look down the aisle to the apse

The altar and east window are in the apse

The stained glass looks quite modern with the figure of St John the baptist looking down

At the apex of the arch a star hangs

The altar cross with the east window behind

Over to the south side what was a chapel but now houses an organ

The organ once belonged to Tubney church which was under threat of closure

St John's church bought the organ from them and it was installed here. Tubney church is still open today and the reason a certain John Betjemen fought for it to remain open because Tubney was one of the few Pugin designed churches in the area and the organ is as well

Over to the side of the nave is the pulpit

Which gives this view of the nave

In the old chapel a few interesting memorials thigh the wording on this one is faded

but the carving is very intricate

The all seeing eye

Memorial to John Bandy

This one is to the Dean family, below the rolls of honour for both wars

This one listing the fallen from WWI

The second from WWII

Memorial to William Musgrave

Memorials to the Williams & Dean family's

Two differing memorials the top to John Sessions Barrett

The second is in lain and dates back to the old church as it is dated 1624

One of the choir stalls in the church

They have electric light now but a reminder of the old ways are still there

Till next time I will leave you with this view of the beautiful organ
Take care and I wish you a peaceful weekend.
This weekend is the 20th anniversary of 9/11 and a time of reflection for us all, remember all those who needlessly died in the attack. RIP


William Kendall said...

A beautiful interior.

Linda said...

I love the east window and the pipe organ.

Jim said...

It's beautiful.

Octapolis said...

nice impressions!