Saturday 3 October 2020

St Mary Return Visit

While visiting St Mary the Virgin Great Milton I read a notice on the door telling me the church was open on Sunday. This gave me the opportunity to return to get photo's inside of St Mary and St Peter at Great Haseley which I visited after as it was I even visited Little Milton on the way home as that was open as well. I will be publishing St Peter over two blogs as well they were both well worth visiting. The photo's were taken using my iPhone and Canon EOS R6 camera which is the first time I have used it in a church so I am still getting used to it.

A shot to remind you were we are going today
The South entrance in the porch was still locked but the north door was open and I have to say the inside was more than I had hoped it would be
Here we looking down the nave to the chancel
Similar shot only wider angle

Going into the Chancel

 Above the altar beneath the huge chancel window in the East end

Above the altar screen which is beautifully carved

Left the Sedulla & Piscina with a

Above looking out of the chancel towards the nave

Carved chair by the North wall

Refection from the stained glass windows

Above the Lords Prayer on a panel on the East Wall 

Stained glass windows in the Chancel

The Stained Glass East Window above the Altar

Couple more of the stained glass windows

Above the Angel Corbel

The nave from the chancel arch. After meeting one of the parishioners who had come into the church he told me to look along the line of the church. It is out of line IE slight dogleg. Story goes when it was noticed that only God can make a church perfect
The nave as seen from the pulpit

Turning right towards the North aisle
Above the Pulpit a beautiful wooden on with steps


Here we we have view of the North aisle left and South aisle right which I presume is the Lady chapel

When I walked in the church this tomb was one of the first things I noticed and could not wait to have  a look around it, the photos were taken using flash because it was quite dark in there. I found it after taking to a parishioner that it was not in the original position and should be in the South aisle where the lady chapel is and that it is hoped in the future it will be moved back so the area can be made into a kitchen line in many other churches. Means you can get a better look around and I will return if it gets moved

There are Three effigies these two are on the lower part and are a man with I presume his wife beside him

Above the lady showing the detail of her face.

Left the base of the tomb has figures carved in it

Above one of the coats of arms on the side of the tomb

The effigy that you can see on the top part of the tomb, it's about eye level

Standing back and viewing the top canopy of the tomb

Above the font decorated for the harvest festival

Right some of the memorials in the corner above the font

Above a section of stained glass you can see on the South Aisle

The North aisle where you can see a door and balcony

The Balcony with an entrance door and right doorway to the roodloft that used to be in the church

Left a closer view showing the door an balcony.

Right the old door that would have taken you to the rood loft 

Plaques that list bequests that have been left to the poor of the village

Memorial the Eldridge family Left and right a royal coat of arms

One of the staffs which are on the end of the aisle's in the church

Beautiful little angel on a windowsill in the chancel

There are quite a few memorials and tombs in the floor of the church, the one on the left has the coloured reflection of a window shining on it. Right memorial to Thomas Yong  who died in 1692

Above a tomb in the aisle 

Left these two tombs are in the North aisle makes me wonder if the chapel was dedicated to them

I think this roll of honour is one of the nicest ones I have see with all the names hand written

Left memorial to Johannes Smith. Right If I right this is part of a medieval twisted wreath

Beautiful eagle lectern 

Bench still decorated for Harvest festival

Leaning against the wall by the lady chapel is what looks like part of a tomb with brass in place

These could be the children or whoever was buried under it
Not the oldest on in the church but still in good condition 
Before I left the church the person I was talking to pointed out a few things like this carpenters mark, you could call it blatant advertising so you knew who to contact for work. I must admit I did look up for these but missed this one

Over in the chancel arch these blocks were the base of the Rood loft, there is one tucked under the seat to the right a little which was removed to stop people tripping over it. They are mirrored on the other side of the arch
I will leave you with this shot of some of the fruit from the harvest festival on a cabinet at the back of the South aisle.
Till Next Time Take Care, and have Stay Safe and have a wonderful weekend


♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said...

Billy, I marveled at the gods' gifts brought to the church.
A beautiful treadition. I am delighted with your report and photos.
I wish you good health.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Yes that is a nice tradition many churches do some put a lot of effort into it. I liked the way this one had the fruits and vegetables displayed

Linda said...

Beautiful church! You really do a great job photographing church interiors.

Trekking with Becky said...

Lovely! Good job capturing all the details! :)

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you appreciated

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Thank you I feel there was more to show as well

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what really stands out for me ... the floor designs ... such amazing architecture. way cool. thanks for sharing. thank u kindly for your visits 2 my blog. ( :

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh St Mary's certainly did not disappoint, so many incredible details. The windows and floors are so beautiful, and all those gorgeous arches. Looks lovely decorated for Harvest festival too.. Really enjoyed this visit, thanks Bill ✨