Saturday 26 May 2018

Capel Maelog

Bit of a historic view this week and only came about when my wife & I stopped for an ice cream nearby. We had been here quite a few times and I noticed these three large stones nearby but a little further along I saw some stones and thought it was an overgrown garden with a seat. Walking over to the stones I notice a prayer riveted on the side of the stones and nearby some information boards on Capel Mealog, I realised that what I thought was an  overgrown garden were the remains of the chapel that was here
Some history form CPAT website
"Excavations between 1984–87 in advance of housing development in Llandrindod Wells, Radnorshire, revealed the foundations of a medieval church and cemetery (right) abandoned in the 16th century. The church, probably built in the late 12th century, had curving apses at both the eastern and western ends. Of equal interest is the evidence of an earlier cemetery, preceding the church, dating to about the 10th–11th century AD, with a prominent focal grave which became incorporated within the chancel of the church. Excavations were funded by Cadw and the Manpower Services Commission and were undertaken with the permission of the developer, Mr Michael Rowlands."

These are the stones you can see from the road

Over to the left of them you can see this area of stones outlining the former chapel 

Above and left you look through the church to the east end I suspect the slab is where the altar would have been at one time

There are a few part in the nave where you can see outlines like these which are modern concrete, I wonder if they mark the graves that once were here
The West end seemed to have had an apse as well and the whole church would have been a reasonable size

Not far away are these information panels

which tell you the history and what was found in the archaeological excavation
I feel it is a pity the church went into decline like that and that more of the church did not survive
I will leave you with this view of the stones, The near stone has " God our Father we remember with thanksgiving the saints of your church and among them  Sanit Mealog who kept faith here in Radnorshire"  the second stone in both Welsh  "Trwy'r Drindod Sanctaidd - Trywyddrwydd"
and English " Through the Holy Trinity -Tranquillity 
For Phobie
Have a blessed weekend


  1. have many churches here that have been lost in history.

  2. Interesting. Eat more ice cream!

  3. The stories that place could tell. I hope you enjoyed your ices.

  4. Incroyable! What an amazing discovery Bill, to think of life so very long ago happening right in this spot! You really do find the most fascinating things when you stop for an ice-cream ☺


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